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Truth About Matranga School of Art

My art school and I have had to deal with horrible false accusations by cyber bullies who have never met me nor attended my art school. These accusations are laughable, ridiculous in nature, and the furthest from the truth. The two women (whom I have never met) who started these outrageous lies are named: Shasta Grimes and Lyndsay Hightower. I am currently in the process of hiring an attorney to handle the libel they started. If you have been contacted by these two women, please email me. Thank you to all my supporters! Truth always wins! ...and TRUTH HAS WON concerning Matranga School of Art!

Here is my official statement:

I had been teaching art on and off both privately and for classrooms at a homeschool co-op for years and found it comforting and self-esteem building for the students and myself.

Since art has been so enjoyable and helpful to me since the age of three, and since it seemed to reach almost every kid I had given lessons to, I decided to open up an art school in my home where I could offer simple art lessons to kids interested in learning how to draw and would like a little "art vacation." Art is also one way that helps to heal trauma. In 2012 I began to learn to play the ukulele and also found that very enjoyable, esteem building and fulfilling, so I decided to include music as an activity to help the kids explore their musical side and learn how to concentrate better. Music has also been proven to help heal children who have special needs and who have experienced severe traumas.

I got my business license and started in July of 2015 and began to have parents and children show interest in my nine week program. My school especially appealed to special needs adopted children who were interested in art and music and wanted to enjoy the Northwest for a couple of months. The school attracted kids from as close as Washington to as far away as the East Coast. My staff and I taught art, music and used a homeschool curriculum to round out their classroom time. Three meals of healthy food was served every day with snacks in between. Most every child responded positively to the art lessons and they all learned how to draw better and improved their concentration. The music lessons helped almost every child discover their musical side and gave them the increased discipline required to learn basics on a musical instrument.

Self-esteem and behaviors improved as the students learned how to open up the right-side of their minds and they began to spontaneously produce creative drawings and showing off their playing and singing abilities during group talent shows held about every week or so. I provided a safe environment to express both art and music and didn't allow mocking or judging so the students seemed to open up more and more and even cheer each other on building camaraderie and self-esteem.

The students learned to better respect themselves and each other by following the Matranga School of Art three rules: first time obedience, sweetness or silence and be givers not takers.

The students were also taken on field trips for breaks to get out and play and explore the Northwest. The students were taken to beaches, parks, libraries, out for lunches and dinners, Tacoma Glass Museum, Pike Place Market etc. and church on Sundays as well as nightly movies in a surround sound theatre.

I also had a big art/music talent show at a local hotel with refreshments many guests and a well known speaker. The students won over the audience with their singing, ukulele playing and their shining personalities. The students repeatedly told us they really enjoyed Matranga School of Art and we were all growing closer to each other and seeing many with behavioral challenges improve their attitudes and confidence. Art and music had done a lot for me and now I was very pleased with the positive results we were seeing in our students.

Despite many positive results, I was cyber-harassed without cause by people who didn't even know me and falsely accused me of many things that never happened. People whom I have never met started leaving negative reviews and stating pure lies. This hurt the school's reputation and ultimately caused me severe damage. This was damaging not only to the school, but also to the needy students. This attack was so very wrong and the false accusers were so very wrong. Thankfully TRUTH WON and I am currently healing from the attacks and moving on with the Call God has placed on my life to help children in need.

Rocky Matranga

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